Conservatives in Action

SA's Moral Compass

ELI (Emerging Leaders Institute)

The CIA sa has an internal leadership development Institute that has as it’s scope, aims and objectives ‘to Train and Develop Future CIA sa Leaders’ in order that they may be skilled and knowledgeable in CONSERVATISM in SA in the midst of a very Socialistic political system mixed with neo liberalism.

Our syllabus has at it’s foundation:
– History of SA politics,
– Politics in SA pre and post 1990,
– What is CONSERVATIVE ideology and what it means for SA,
– Understanding the CIA SA Constitution,
– Understanding the CIA SA Party Leadership structures, organogram and how internal consultations and resolutions are taken,
– Understanding the Constitution of the republic of SA,
– Understanding Govt Institutions, their core focus, why they exist and how they operate,
– Getting to know and understand the political ideological stances of political parties in SA,
– What is membership and what it means for CIA SA,
– Elections post 1994 and declining electoral support in SA,
– Why Socialist (mixed with neo liberal) macro and micro economic policy has failed in SA,
– Why CORRUPTION through Socialist and neo liberal political ideological polices has turned SA into a Failed State

Through the Institute, Leaders are upskilled, trained and developed politically and ideologically on culture, economics, public administrative processes in order that they are fully equipped and have the intellectual and political capacity to identify poor and ineffective governance in State Institutions.

These Leaders, once fully trained, are the future Leaders of the CIA SA.

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